Life with Luna Loo
We chat with Anna who gives us an honest insight into her shelter adoption story, from misunderstanding to pure love and happiness! This is the Love Tail of Anna and Luna.

I can’t believe that we nearly didn’t get Luna because of my inaccurate perception about rescue dogs! I'd waited forever for a dog and given that it was the first time I’d be solely reasonable for another life it was important to get one whose sparkle hadn’t been irreversibly tainted by its previous humans. I hadn’t considered a rescue dog probably because my subconscious view was that rescue dogs were either damaged goods or on deaths door, neither of which I was ready to commit to.

A weekend trip down the coast took us via Illawarra. On the way home, to appease our curiosity and split up the journey, we decided to have a look in the RSPCA shelter there. I couldn’t believe it. Rows upon rows of cages containing the most beautiful dogs. Some were jumping around trying to get attention, others were sitting on the cold concrete floor waiting, hoping that the next human to pass would choose them. Innocent soles who’d found themselves in a shelter through no fault of their own; the majority were not damaged goods and they were far from deaths door. I didn’t get Luna that day but my partner and I left knowing that when the time was right our fur baby would come from a shelter.
Fast-forward a week (I’m not the most patient person) my partner and I are at the RSPCA shelter in Yagoona feeling completely overwhelmed. A golden lab has caught his eye, and there are huskies galore. Worth thousands if bought from a breeder and now they’re here…crazy. We slowly passed the cages whilst apologetically judging the contents. How are we were ever going to choose? And then we saw her. Little 11-week-old ‘Emma’ who was caged along with her brother. She sat quietly amongst the chaos of the other dogs, as though she’d already given up. I needed to meet her properly. Emma was placed at the entrance of the kennel, she walked over to me, mounted my lap and fell asleep. This little mongrel was perfect and there was no way we were leaving without her.

The commitment and responsibility is far greater than I’d anticipated; there is little room for spontaneity, we’ve replaced endless household items due to chewing and have had a trauma inducing vet visit which we’d rather forget.
Nevertheless, this is a small price to pay when considering the joy she brings.
Luna’s love is unconditional, and her little personality brightens up even the most miserable day. She is affectionate, loves cuddles and loves to snuggle on your lap. At 25kg this can be an issue. She doesn’t realise her size, is so goofy and often trips over her own feet. She’s also the most intelligent little thing. She sits, and rolls and can even balance a biscuit on her snoot.
My favourite thing is watching her sleep, especially when she dreams; who knew that a twitching, barking, shedding ball of dog could be so cute.
In a practical sense, Luna is an active dog and she requires at least one decent walk per day, which is just as good for us as it is for her. She’s pushed us out of our comfort zone and we’ve found ourselves in the middle of new social circles which is great.

Luna deserves the best life and if I could speak dog I would assure her that as long as she is with us she will be loved and safe. We try our best to give her the best and, despite the verbal language barrier, I think she knows this. Emma, now Luna, was 1 year old on the 15th June 2019. She has been with us for nine wonderful months and she has changed our world in every way.
You can follow Luna on Instagram @life_with_lunaloo

This wonderful story is a part of the @lovetailsphotography X @Poundpaws Insta Rescue Campaign, spreading positive stories and the adopt don't shop message and helping you find your next BFF.